Cell Phone Policy

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of Howe Students,

The purpose of this letter is to communicate the policy regarding the use of cell phones at Howe.  We can all identify with the reality that there is a substantial increase in use of social media as well as an increase in students who have access to a cell phone.  While cell phones have great value, they can also be the source of distraction, particularly in the school setting.  The DMPS Parent Handbook states that cell phones are not allowed in the school.  As much as we can all recognize that they are not necessary tools in school, especially given that each student is assigned a laptop, the reality that cell phones can be useful in supporting student safety to and from school remains.  With that in mind, Howe has developed a policy that allows a safe compromise to occur.

  • Students may bring cell phones to school if they adhere to the following:
    • Phones are turned off during the day and placed in the “Phone Safe” (locked filing cabinet, basket, etc.) that is accessible in each classroom.
    • At the conclusion of the school day, each student will retrieve their cell phone from the “Phone Safe.” It is the students’ responsibility to remember to retrieve their phones.
    • In the event a student refuses to adhere to this policy, parent/guardian contact will be made by an administrator. The phone may be confiscated until such time that a parent/guardian is able to retrieve the phone.
    • If refusals persist, the privilege of bringing a cell phone to school will be removed.

Each teacher has identified a “Phone Safe” in his/her classroom.  This compromise will ensure that students will have access to the benefits of a phone while walking to and from school.

As always, our focus will remain to support students by using practices that foster a safe and nurturing environment where all students learn at high levels.  Your support and understanding is appreciated.


Mr. Williams

Cell Phone Letter